Sports Around the World: 4/4-4/8


Here’s this week’s update on sports around the world



Canoe Slalom is a white water adventure that started as a summer alternative for ski slalom enthusiasts!

Read about Australia’s Canoe Slalom star Jess Fox.


In the U.S. we know Athletics as the Olympic viewing favorite “Track & Field”.  This classic sport will have 24 different events in Rio.  Get your quick “expert intro” here.

Kenya has historically excelled in Athletics but they are facing a potential ban from the Olympics by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

An article in an Modern Ghana expresses a hopeful outcome, but U.S. outlets express more concern.

A ban of Kenya could help the medal contention for other countries, such as  Nigerian.


They say three’s a charm, but apparently Chris Paul doesn’t want to go for a third gold medal.  Paul withdrew his name from the Team USA Men’s Basketball roster consideration.


U.S. Men rocked their new uniforms but could not secure a slot in the 2016 Olympic games.

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