Sports Around the World: 11/2-11/6

Here’s this week’s update on sports around the world.


I was reading about the upcoming Irish Diving Open Championship and I came across this video of highlights from last year’s Red Bull Cliff Diving Championship.  Make sure you watch them diving from the tree tops in Yucatan, Mexico!



The International Olympic Committee is reminding us how great the USA Dream Team was!


I’ll be running around the world, this weekend, with about 15,000 other people!  We’ll start at the ballpark, run through Asia, Africa, and then onto Hollywood.  After that, we’ll cover most of Europe!  Yep, it’s time for Disney’s Wine & Dine Half-Marathon!  Can’t wait to get this year’s bling!




The Men’s Division II Rugby National Championship will be held in Greenville, South Carolina.  Please take a moment to note how timeless Rugby fashion is…their hair and uniforms could be from 1985 or 2015!

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