Sports Around the World: 3/28-4/1


Here’s this week’s update on sports around the world



The coaches or Team USA Basketball are narrowing down their team of of 12 from 31 players.  See who is in the running here.




Isn’t Rugby just Rugby?  Nope!  Rugby normally has 13 to 15 players per team, depending on on the league, but Rugby Sevens will debut at the Rio 2016 games.  Like the name, there will be seven players on each team, and still playing on full-size pitch.   It’s not surprising that Rugby continues to evolve considering the game’s historical origins.  Rugby started in 1830 when a student was playing futball/soccer and decided to pick up the ball and run with it.  Some would call that cheating, they called it Rugby!  Learn more here.


Grab your tissue and read about this incredible and heroic Olympic hopeful!

Nicole Twitter
